Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Government debt today vs World War 2 debt?

The US debt in 1945 after end of the war stood at well over 100% of GDP (gross domestic product). Info derived from Time mag article.Todays debt holds at 23-24% GDP. How did the war debt get paid off-and why did the country prosper so well economically (1950's-1960's).Do you think government spending plays an important role in economic health? With the present political situation unfolding I am begining to beleive it's all about political pandering. By holding down economic recovery thru cutbacks of gov spending-the present political party stands greater chance to lose the next Presidential election. Include in this-the business sector presently holds large amount of cash/resources in reserve-not investing etc that would bring about a recovery (and jobs). Granting the wealthy ever more tax cuts/breaks does nothing as witnessed per se for past 24 months. It has not presented any benefit as a whole. What do you think? I appreciate any real honest answer.

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