Thursday, August 11, 2011

How wrong of it was me to tell my nephews mom that his BIGGEST prob in life is that his parents arent together?

I can completely understand where you are coming from. My parents separated when I was 5. They didn't even have a messy separation, no drugs, drinking, drama of anysorts. It was a nice little "every other weekend' arrangement, my dad paid child support every month on time, and it STILL was hard on me. So I can't even imagine what this poor little guy is going through, but I do not feel like it is wrong for you to talk to her about the situation. I DO, however, think that bringing it up when you know she's already mad is probably not the best idea. When you can get her to talk to you when she's not fussing and raising hell, then I might would bring it up to her. I would tell her that her and Chris need to come up with a better plan and a more organized way of doing things because its hurting Jordan. They need set times to pick up/drop off, and for God's sake, they HAVE GOT TO BE civil. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If all that kid sees is how much they hate eachother, how do you think his outlook on relationships is going to be when he grows up? I would have a stern talking to BOTH parents of the child, and I know it sucks for you, but if Chris can't be there in the way his son needs him to be, then maybe it really is best if he isn't in his life right now. I know that would mean you couldn't see him as much, but you also have to think of him too. You can't just allow Chris to continue with the drugs, drinking, and all around sorriness he seems to be doing as a parent and think that Jordan is going to be okay just cuz he sees his dad, it doesn't work like that. Sometimes it's more beneficial for a child not to have certain people in their lives at all if it means they have to be around things like that. But talk with them both, explain how you feel and let them know you are sick of the drama between them. I can ure you, having parents who are divorced or separated is no fun, even when arrangements are made and they are civil to one another, it sucks. I've been there, done that. I'm grown now and it still hurts me that I was one of the only kids I knew that couldn't go home to their mom AND dad. I couldn't go outside and play with my dad then come in and help mama cook, (just an example), and it was no fun at all. So without the proper arrangements, child support, and being civil, they have A LOT to work on for that child's sake.

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