Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do I best tell my boyfriend I want kids in the future?

We've talked about it before. Shortly after we got together I found out we were pregnant and lost the baby. We were upset, but more shocked at the reactions we had. Neither of us immediately thought "oh crap" because before meeting each other neither of us thought we wanted children. But when I first read that pregnancy test I was elated at the thought of spending the rest of my life with this man. And when I told him, he smiled, hugged me, and told me how much he loved me. After losing the baby we talked more about our intial positive reactions and how much that meant we trusted each other. Now we're talking about wedding plans :) but I know in the future (near) I know I'll want the family I've dreamed of since I was a little girl but thought I'd never have because I was sure my "perfect man" didn't exsist...but here he is, this is my life. We were both leaning towards kids last we seriously spoke of it, how do I tell him I'm certain? That I'm ready to have my IUD removed and let nature do its thing?

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