Thursday, August 18, 2011

Girls: do you think a boy that looks younger than his age is cute?

A lot of the older senior girls at my high school are always drooling over myself and other guys on the freshman boys soccer team. I always thought girls liked older, taller guys, but many of us 15 year old boys look like we're 12 (including me) because we're we're skinny and short with no hair on our legs. Many of the girls seem to like this because they always comment on how hot our hairless legs look when wearing soccer shorts and they even try to cop a feel of my thighs sometimes. I don't mind the attention at all, but I was expecting girls not to be attracted to me since I have no body hair yet and I have a babyface. I'm curious if this is a lucky coincidence or do any other girls like younger guys?

What is the nightlife like in the Cote D'Azur or France in general? and price as well?

Hey, me and my friends (18 year olds) are thinking of going to cavalaire or somewhere else on the french riviera. However, I've heard it's reaaally expensive, especially nightlife. Is this true? and is all french nightlife like that?

Is a line 6 amp worth any good?

i have a 400 dollar budget, an ibanez rg 350dx, and i preffer metal/thrash. i plan on buying the line 6 spider 3 over all other amps, is this a good choice, if not, what amp?

When would I need to apply to UCF for fall 2010?

I plan on applying right after I take my SAT's the second time and my ACT the first time, but unfortunately, my scores are not high enough. I'm scared that if I apply late, there will be no spots left, but if I apply early, I would have to send in a low score on the SAT/ACT. Help?

What is the recommend safe amount of time should i use the sunbeds?

Im 19 years old UK, got fair tanned skin anyway, tan easily. Im just worried about the common disadvantages sunbeds give you, like premature ageing and skin cancer. I don't want to give them up cause I love having the nice tanned colour, but i want to be safe.

Who's your favorite Asian celebrity =)?

My super fave is Kenichi Matsuyama he playd L in the death note movies, he's awesome...but he's Japanese I guess he can be in the category if we look the other way...

What can i use as an insecticide on plants that will be eaten by a reptile?

We have a bearded dragon that we grow our own kale for that now has earwigs. they are destroying the plants, but we are afraid to use anything in fear of hurting him. any tips?

What Type Of Fruit is a Pineapple?

It is technically a complex fruit called a "multiple fruit". This means that each little squarish thing with a spine developed from an individual flower that was part of a flower cluster. These fuse together to form the multiple fruit. The part you eat are fused ovaries.

Will i ever be able to be an actress?

You are still very young and you have to remember that even though your parents raised you they can't decide what you do for the rest of your life. If you really REALLY love acting then go for it 100%. And even if you don't think you are beautiful a director might think that you are stunning and perfect for a role. I've never seen you act so I can't say if you are any good or not but what you should do is find as much information on acting careers as you can find and see if the stress you will have to go through is worth it. Also, try doing plays around your area to get a feel for what it is really like. As I said before you are still young and there are a million options out there for you so you don't necessarily have to get stuck on acting. There is also backstage work that is a ton of fun and you should look into that too. Good luck with your future and stay strong and determined :)

Christians, why do you longer believe in...?

What the Bible is saying is, the templates for these natural processes was designed and sealed by God and originality is maintained even in adverse cases of multiple crosses, natural selection, mutation and wear and tear of the earth and other bodies. And just because ancient men believed that the earth was flat does not change the fact that the template of the earth is spherical, that is why God gave man knowledge to study and understand His works. Cheers.

Need some advices here.. Is he that nice or just fooling ard?

Well, if this post is any indication of how you guys communicate then I'd say there's a good chance he never understands what you are saying and that you don't understand what he's saying either.

Who is doing the Mortgage Modifications for...?

The average guy that is just barely making the monthly payment and wants to go from a interest only to a fixed rate, 30yr loan, with these low interest rates? Lawyers are coming out of the woodwork, as usual, and trying to capitalize on the public down fall. Many individuals are getting no answer from their loan agencies, or the loan companies are blowing off the home owner and telling them that there is nothing that can be done to help them. I thought that the government was helping out everyone that was having difficulties? Nevertheless, I will stop my complaining and hope to get a helpful answer. Note that when your mortgage payment is over half of your income " after cut backs" it is difficult.

What do you say?. Worries about border threats shift from Mexico to Canada?

Follow the money. Sounds like northern states are angling for some DHS pork spending. Michigan's moribund economy could use a $30 million air base and the jobs it will create.

What are some easy-to-make project land forms?

I'm doing a project for my World Geography cl where I have to make at least 30 land forms. So far I have a mountain, volcano, mesa, e, swamp, desert, cave, cavern, canyon, canyon river valley, island, plateau, marsh, valley, glacier, cliff, archipelago, cape, and prairie. Anymore that I can make out of things around my house? Also, is a river a land form? I think it is, not sure.

Diet and Exercise - am I doing it right?

Tryin to drop a good 25 pounds. Been eating tons of fruit and fresh veggies and having carbs only at one meal a day. Run for 45 min or do a half hour of Tae Bo a day. I've lost a few pounds already and hope it's enough for continous success. I eat "mini meals" during the day and snack on air-popped popcorn, veggies or sugar-free Jell-O...the problem is eating a good breakfast. I don't care for eggs/bacon/omelettes, and stay away from fatty pancakes/waffles/muffins....the only things left are bagels or cereal but is that overloading on the carbs? Fresh fruit isn't enough to hold me over until lunch

Has anyone heard an acapella version of "Rocks" covered by Sugababes?

A couple of years ago I watched a doentary on ITV (in the UK) about the Sugababes and at the end they sang an acapella cover of Rocks (Originally by Primal Scream). I would really like to hear this song again so if anyone knows where I can find it on the Internet I would be very grateful. There are some cover versions on YouTube but not the acapella one that I'm after...

Options for a third date?

I'm seeing a guy and so far we've been on two dates. The first was to baskin robbins and the second to sizzler's. He treated me both times and on our third date I want to treat him. Any ideas? I was thinking picnic, but is that too soon? And I don't have a clue as to what include anyway. Lol. What are some cool third date options that would appeal to a guy? He doesn't do movies atleast not in theatre.

Why do women fall for bad men like Earl Paulk?

I just read about Earl Paulk. I am disgusted by the accusations against him. He used God to coerce women into having with him. One woman had a 14 year affair with him before she broke it off. One thing shocks me is that in today's age, you would think women would be more educated so they would not fall for this type of trap. I find ot hard to believe that somebody would think that having with a man would give them salvation. What is it about men in powerful postions that will make women fall for them even when in the back of their minds, they have a feeling that the guy is no good?

On a diet: ate an excess of 3500 calories but gained 6lbs? i thought a pound equaled 3500 cals?

I'm pretty sure you had some soda to wash that all down didn't ya? Most of that weight is water. I bet your urine was dark yellow that morning? don't worry, if your metabolism is up to speed you'll be able to burn that up in no time! Good luck!

What FFA animal should I do in Highschool?

If room is the problem I suggest chickens. Believe me sheep are very hard to take care of because they need lots of room and gr daily to graze on. In other words if you get one sheep you should get enougher because sheep are always in herds there fore there use to being around other sheep. So if you got one it would be depressed. I would suggest chickens you could keep them any where I know because I own 36 of them and I'm in 9 grade. I was too thinking about going for 4-H but I never have to time. But yes chickens would be good for people who are interested when they got very little room and want to go into 4-H

I have this... i guess you could call it. how weird am i?

Well it's what you like, but if this is your "thing" then yes it's weird because it sounds like if you may not give other musicians a chance because of the way they look. But then again, go ahead and like what you want, listen to what you want.

What was the name of that old animated (nature doentary style) science fiction movie.?

It was very similar to wayne barlow's alien planet, only I think it was done in the 70's or maybe the 80's. Most likely the former. I think it was kind of short, no CG, just good old cartoon style. I remember it had some aliens that were silicon based. It was narrated but by who I can't remember.

Fake Leather sofas???

I am wondering how a faux leather couch holds up. How it does with time after its been used, with people sitting, stains, scratches, things like that. Will it still look ok after some time?? I'm looking into getting a couch that is fake leather upholstery.

Why have they not made a Captain America movie?

I am not a huge comic book fan BUT...all the stuff America has been going through...I thought Captain America was a pretty big superhero, up there with Superman and stuff. Why has there been no movie made of him with all of these superhero movies coming out. Electra, Daredevil, and an ortment of other people I had hardly heard of before they decided to make a movie about them? Whats the deal? Seems like it would be a cash cow waiting to be shown? Or is Captain Americas outfit and stuff a little out of date for the days now?

Shuttle services for the elderly?

I used to live in Denver, the public bus had a program for the elderly and handicapped. It allowed for them to call the day before and schedule a pick-up/drop-off on a special bus. You might want to contact your local bus to see if there is anything similar to that. You might also be able to look into carpooling for a smaller fee, if that's something you think might apply to this situation. If all else fails, I would suggest getting her a computer and teaching her to take care of business online, including banking and shopping. Hope this helps and good luck.

Puppy flying and other questions?

Well my puppy is turning 8 weeks on the 23rd and he is coming from Sydney and flying to Canberra, it will be a 55 minute fly but im just wondering will he be okay? he is a mix between a shihtzu and a Chihuahua. Has anyone else ever done this? Is there something I should and shouldn't do when he arrives? Like don't give him food straight away? Go for a walk with him? Give him water? Also my dog's hair is weird his white hair is growing faster then his black hair. His healthy because he has been to the vet recently im just curious will it be like that forever or will it change? Thanks!

Hair help?

u shouldnt change ur hair color because it lo0ks perfect the way it is but if really do wanna change i think u should go 4 da darker lo0k .....n also0 ur hair lo0ks go0d both curly and straight =]

What's a good "horsey" e-mail?

Not an e-mail for my email that has something to do with horses. like my yahoo is prancing.palomino so like something creative. like flyingchange.filly or something. just make a list of anything that comes to your mind. THANKS!

TMZ's reason for posting the Rihanna ault photo?

I think it is legitimate to put this stuff out in the open because the pact with celebrities is that their lives are less private in return for endorsement income and so on.Too many women put on a layer of make up or a long sleeved top to cover up beatings and then stay with their abuser. Yes it's embarring but if she has a good agent she'll turn it to her advantage. I expect we'll see her on Oprah and stuff and she might put out a song called "You can't beat me down" or something like that.

Should I, as a white man, walk up to a black man and say I'm sorry for the wrongs of the past?

I agree with reform. We did not invade their country and snatch them up by force. We simply traded for them. Their own people sold them to us in exchange for liquor! That is a sore fact they do not want to admit. Instead it is easier to blame the white man. After all, we are the reason for everything wrong in the world today, right? And also, don't mention the fact that centuries before back to the biblical times, the white man was a slave to the black, yellow, brown. In the history of man, all races have been slaves at some point. Should I demand that the muslim, asian to apologize to me since they enslaved my ancestors centuries ago as well? I hope you can sense my sarcasm. It makes me sick to continue hearing all of this nonsense that has nothing to do with what is going on today in our country. Worry about our monetary policy and our foreign policy. That is the cause of a lot that is going on today.

What should I do to get my friend's purse back?

I borrowed my friend's purse to go clubbin' the other night. Well, I drank a whole lot and ended up barfing in it as to not get it all over the mercedes I was riding in. I went home with a rich guy that night and ended up leaving the vomit purse at his house. He hasn't called me back and my friend keeps asking for it back. I don't know how to get a hold of him. I gave him my number but didn't get his number. I need to get her purse back. It was a $500 purse and I can't replace it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Clical Music Suggestions?

I'm looking for something soft and pretty. Preferably piano or string quartet. Nothing too intense that has a dreamy atmosphere. And possibly something that a couple would dance to.

I need help finding an anime to buy its called when they cry ( higurashi no naku koro ni) all seasons?

i am looking for the anime... when they cry or the ...Japanese translation ...higurashi no naku koro ni ...there are three seasons and i would like to buy all three i looked on and can find only the first season the first season is called... higurashi no naku koro ni ...the second one is called ....Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai... and the third season is called ...Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei ... and if you can help me on one other thing about the third season i look on wikipedia on a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and it says the third season only has 5 episodes and on some anime websites that you can watch them they only have 5 too is there any way you could find out if they stopped making the third season or are they still making it i would appreciate it and hopefully one more thing lol i know this is a lot but when i look to watch when they cry ( higurashi no naku koro ni) i can only find the fist season to watch and cant find the second season to watch could you find a website that is free where i can watch the second season .. if you find a place to buy them at they could either be English dubbed or Japanese voice and English subtitles .. either one is fine please help me and if you do thank you

In your opinion what does an intern supposed to do at their internship?

My friend was asked to organize the supply closet at her internship of a major company she wants to work for after graduation. She firmly believes her talents are being wasted on countless hours of doing menial work. What is your definition of what an intern should do?

How much would you give for a range rover?

It really depends on the condition, year, and mileage of the car. The one in the picture will probably worth 8-9000 dollars.

Memory from CATS Instrumentation?

Can anyone tell me what instruments are used in the song "Memory" from CATS and also anything else about it musically. Thank You.

Can i make an antenna for my DSI?

I cant get Internet acces from some parts of my house on my DSI. is it possible to make some sort of an antenna contraption to improve my connection with a coat hanger or something.i don't care how bulky or ugly it is and i cant move my router.

Okay i have a few questions about buffy the vampire slayer....?

1)She had no other choice but to kill him.2)No they never get back 2gether.3)seasons 1-3 I think.4) Angel all the way cuz he's a vamp w/ a soul.5)Angel & Buffy 2gether.6)he marries Anya.7)it was the year of musicals. :)

Why is everyone praising Obama when it was really Bush that started the hunt for Bin Laden?

When we were attacked on 9/11, capturing Osama was Bush's first priority and remained so throughout his presidency. Bush layed all the groundwork for Obama, So Bush deserved Credit for capturing Osama too.

White people have you ever experienced racism?

I experienced anti-semitism at my workplace(absolutely true), and that was a shattering experience; racism, wherever it comes from, is always hurtful, and no one group can claim a monopoly on it---it is endemic in America.

Who the hell do i chose?

So theres two super foxy boyz, both super duper funny, both super nice. one called me babe twice so idk if he likes me, the others just really really foxy and he txts me alot. one i am rly rly close with, but the others lil sister is one of my bff's. one i told i didnt want a bf yet, and the other makes me want one soo badly, what the hell do i do????

What is with the pion of the christ (film)? do any christians actually like it?

So you think His death on the cross was something beautiful? It was gruesome. More than Mel Gibson could ever imagine. The bible says His visage was so marred, more than any man, and his form, (body) more than the sons of man.

Is Comedy art, and if so, Was Richard Pryor an Artist?

With some of the Rappers and Country Western music now days that seems to appeal to so many people, it appears to me that anything anybody can find beauty in is considered to be art. What do you think about what society considers to be art?.

Is Scorpio trying to control Cancer? Typical/Strange?

I have been dealing with this Scorpio for about 9 months now. We had a prior past and he came back to me. He says he loves me, wants me to have a baby to him, wants to move in and even talked about marriage. I know some typical scorpio behavior but im just not sure if all that he is doing is acceptable. I had an abortion recently to him due to communication failures and once he found out about it, he blew up...came to my apartment unannounced like a madman. He wants me to get this car he wants in my name for him. He keeps begging for a key to my I let him use my car and he told me to get used to being stuck in the house because once im prego i will have to stay home. I do love him genuinely. We have communication issues and i tend to hold back because he can be some I attempted to break things off yesterday with him but said we would never been done, we are forever and that i will be the mother of his children so he says "it's too late" for me to want out. I'm confused and i want to make sure i am not entering in an abusive/controlling relationship. What do you think?

How do you know the diffrence between love and a crush?

A crush wont last forever, its something that you first feel for someone for his outlooks, it makes you happy but it fades away in a while, love is something that lasts for an eternity, when you love someone you love him for who he is not for what he looks like, you are ready to give up everything for him and do everything so that he is happy. Love is a stronger feeling than a crush. We teens have a lot of crushes almost everyday, but we have to understant that a crush is just a strong attraction to someone, we might confuse it with love in our age because we have never felt these feelings before but love is such a strong feeling. If you love someone you are ready to sacrifice yourself for their happiness.

How do I deal with bad customer service?

Today I went to Zellers to shop for deals and found that they had items that ranged between $1 to $3 for 50 cents (they were mostly school supplies and locker accessories) so I choose a couple of items and purchased them. On my way out I noticed that I was charged 75 cents for each item instead of 50 cents. So I went back to the same cashier to get the amount adjusted with the sign showing the sale. When she saw the sign she stuck her tongue out at me and refused to adjust the price saying that these items were not the ones on sale, and a guy behind me swore at me and said he'd me more than willing to throw the difference in cash at me, so that I don't delay the line up (the customer service section was closed) and she sided with him. I didn't say anything. Another cashier came and said that these items were in fact part of this sale and she did the adjustment, but no one apologized. Its not about the money (the difference was a dollar), its about honoring the sale. If I had bought 10 items, that would've been a difference of $2.50. A dollar to someone who's on low income is a lot of money. So what should I do? Thank you.

??Back 2 School Question?

I'm a 13 yr. old girl, going into the 8th grade and I've already gotten all the materials on my school supply list. (All the way from student planner to pencils) , well i wanted to also buy a new style for myself. So whats the best backpack brand, fashion, or style (messenger bag, Shoulder-strap, sling bag, Satchel bag.) Whats the best Shoe products for school. I wanna buy these bit**in' Jordan's but my friends don't recommend them for school. What kind of uniform T-shirts should i get? (which brand because all the colors have to be navy blue, white, and khaki.) What kind of pants should i get? (no skirts. :[ not my style.) optional question: What kind of Gym clothes? Thanks :]!

Over Rentaria (DET), would any of these players be viewed as an upgrade?

I think Guzman would be the best out of those if you want consistency. But if you want a hot player right now, Aviles is a better choice. Peralta has lots of homers, but not much else. Keppinger is a contact hitter, so he won't have many homers or rbi's. Guzman is kind of like Keppinger, but will score lots of runs. Aviles is having an awesome debut, but don't count on him to keep it up. Get Aviles for now, when he's doing better than Renteria, then get Guzman when Aviles is struggling, because rookies struggle longer than veterans.

ATHEISTS, Isn't Science just another kind of FAITH?

Alright man, I am not denying the existence of God here. I personally do believe in a higher being. But by saying that science is "a lie and a curse," you're just making yourself look like an ***. Whether you like it or not, science is real, and there are many facts to back prove it. You need to realize that there needs to be a balance of science and religion. I personally find that a deeper understanding of science only fills me with a greater awe at the complexity of God's creation. It's science that led me to believe in a God. Therefore, it is not evil.

150 kv= how many watts?

i recently bought a taser, and at the top of it, it says 150 kv, but doesnt say how many watts it is. So what is 150 kv converted into watts?

What is the best possible explanation better than the two provided to explain the 15 recessive mice @ both loc?

Effects of X-irradiation on a wild type mouse that was zygous for the wild type alleles at two distinct genetic loci: d+/d+ and se+/se+. These two loci are very close together on the same chromosome (.16 map units.) After the x-irradiated mouse was crossed with a non-irradiated zygous recessive mouse they produced progeny (1455 wild type at both loci) and 15 recessive at both loci. There are several explanations including mutation of d+ to d and se+ to se, or non-disjunction in the irradiated wild type parent producing (d se// ). Neither of these is the best possible explanation. What is?

Ford Crown Vic CNG engine. Can I use Engine Restore or Slick50 in it? Engine has very high miles.?

The engine has over 380k miles, still runs good. Can I put Engine Restore or Slick 50 in it, or will that damage the engine?? I know the valves and injectors are different on this car since it runs on CNG. Don't want to damage it.

I need a name for our little group/clan thingie,Help?...?

Were 3 girls {ayla,tabitha,and ryanna[me]] and we have a spy group[i know it sounds corny] buuuttt we have like goals fer example- Find out if jack likes kristen or find out if josh is still going too the dance if so with who....Ook it STILL sounds corny but anyhow...We need a name...Prefferably nothing gross something a smitch girly.....?...

What is a good school to go to for diplomacy and international relations/studies?

I am a college Sopre and currently live in Pennsylvania and am an International Relations major and I want to know what is a good school to go to for diplomacy and international affairs/studies. I want to become a diplomat/ foreign minister/ or ambador, something of that sort. I also plan on furthering my education and getting a masters and perhaps a PhD. What is a good school to go to for this?

Girlfriend will be moving in benefit questions?

Your claim for jobseekers will stop, you can't be in full time education and claim JSA. You will have to live on �30 a week EMA each until your 19 when that will be swapped to an adult learning grant of �30 a week. Your housing and council tax benefit shouldn't change but you must inform them that your staring full time education.

What are God's views on mock apple pie?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What does MAZE stand for?

What does the MAZE procedure stand for? I know its done to treat A fib but I work on a cardiac unit and none of the nurses nor Google could tell me what it stands for. I am just uming it is an acronym because I always see it capitalized

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is this normal or pregnancy?

My dog had puppies in April, and her generally shrank and flattened. But now they're swelling just slightly again, enough for me to notice. I haven't noticed a heat cycle but is it possible this is a sign of pregnancy? Or just a normal oddity in dogs?

Government debt today vs World War 2 debt?

The US debt in 1945 after end of the war stood at well over 100% of GDP (gross domestic product). Info derived from Time mag article.Todays debt holds at 23-24% GDP. How did the war debt get paid off-and why did the country prosper so well economically (1950's-1960's).Do you think government spending plays an important role in economic health? With the present political situation unfolding I am begining to beleive it's all about political pandering. By holding down economic recovery thru cutbacks of gov spending-the present political party stands greater chance to lose the next Presidential election. Include in this-the business sector presently holds large amount of cash/resources in reserve-not investing etc that would bring about a recovery (and jobs). Granting the wealthy ever more tax cuts/breaks does nothing as witnessed per se for past 24 months. It has not presented any benefit as a whole. What do you think? I appreciate any real honest answer.

Will they make a Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers 2?

I thought the first one ended with a cliffhanger. It was never actually stated if Jegrad was deafeated or not or where Layle was going.

What songs are on La Roux's CD, La Roux?

umm i think Bulletproofs on there??? lol but plz somebody tell me all the songs that r on there, im thinking about buying the cd. thx!

Epitome of awesome?

So I was just thinking. How amazing would it be to have Jeff Hardy vs. Undertaker storyline. uming that Edge retains at NOC and then loses to Undertaker eventually. Talk about fan favorites, really. Plus, we all know of the amazing ladder match that Undertaker and Jeff Hardy had a while back. They are great competetors and would be awesome together. (and we REALLY need a break from Batista)

Names of slasher films?

Ok I'm on my own tonight and want to watch loads of scary movies :) Its been ages since I was really scared by a film, so any suggestions? Names of slasher, scary, horror........ thank you!

Has Anyone ever ... dyed their eyebrows using just for men?

some salons use the same hair dye for hair, on the eye brows. so im sure u can try it and it'll come out fine

What is the difference between a DRAW and a Neutral driver club in golf?

the draw biased driver will be a few degrees closed to promote a hook when the ball is drawn, a draw when hit straight and promote a straighter ball flight when the ball is sliced or pushed - it is a good idea for a beginner or a player who hits the ball the same way every time - go hit one in a launch monitor and see what you ball does and a pro can determine if it is best for you - good luck

Questions about mushrooms?

u can try the oyster fresh mushroom its mushroom for griil only mmmm i love this kind of mushroom , for italian food u can use the purchinni mushroom also its so nice,use black truffel oil with it

How are we Winning The Future when China's economy will surp ours in 2016?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think part of the reason that conservatives gripe so much about school taxes is because they tend to?

I would imagine its for political cover for those very local politicians. Since the local politicians live in their communities and would have to take the heat where the cuts are enacted; here they be like "look, the state government make me."

What happend to Denise from the Cosby Show?

I heard that she did an illicit movie n Bill Cosby didn't approve and had her removed from the show, is there any truth to that? What was the name of the movie?

Why is my brothers *** crack always showing?

heeey guys so im wondering why the hell are my brothers pants always falling down? everytime he sits or bend i see his *spews* *** crack hanging out! it is without doubt the grossest thing on earth and i have to look at it every day i tell him topull up his pants he doesnt care he wont listen to me coz im littler than him :(

Omg obama sure has them on the run dont you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I think deliberate acts like this are to be expected by countries like Iran and North Korea. In fact, with these two countries acting more aggressive, it may be a sign that they see the US as a bigger threat than before. When I say threat, I mean the US is trying to end their nuclear program. Anyway to answer your question, no I don't think Obama has the Iranians on the run.

How did anton van leeuwenhoek contribute to the discovery of the cell?

He improved the microscope and was able to see some of the first known single-celled organisms, as well as single sperm and blood cells.

2 part Cincinnati Reds question for MLB fans. What is your opinion?

The Reds have done an admirable job in rebuilding their squad all the way around. Rolen has had an incredible year based on his age but I would not say that he is the move that put them into contention the development of their young players especially pitchers and getting Cordero to close it out have been the biggest reasons they are in contention. As far as getting into the playoffs on a regular basis that is going to be hard because like you said they are in a very difficult division with the Cardinals, Cubs, and Brewers however right now I would say that only the Cards are a legit threat to them as the Cubs are a mess and the Brewers can't sustain their payroll and will likely lose Prince in the off-season or next trade deadline. I think that for a while it will be them and the Cards competing each year for the NL Central and uming the development of Chapman perhaps even longer.

Why does the page freeze up during web searches?

Please, tell me why does the whole page lock up when I try to perform a search? It goes to the results page and then I can do nothing- not even close it out beside ctr+alt+del and clicking on end process. I have not been able to look anything up for 2 days. I can however click on links on the home page or on websites in my favorites and navigate away from the page that way. But, I cannot get to look up party supplies which I need a rush order on...if you have the link to birthday express that would be helpful.

Culturally Hypocritical: Why don't the right people get branded "sellouts"?

I don't believe in calling someone a sellout just because everyone chooses to live their life a certain way. I can't really relate to seeing things in the ghetto because I never grew up in that type of area but I can say, it bothers me when I see people not doing anything with their life. I think one of the main problems with the black race is that we don't stick together how other races's like the crab barrel effect, one comes close to climbing up and out and other just pulls him back down. Most black owned businesses don't get enough support from their own people. The people on welfare do need to get a job, and yes the people on the streets do need to do something with their life but at the same rate, if they didn't grow up with the right direction, who's going to tell them to do that? those people that are like that, were lacking something in their childhood and need someone to help them. It's an on list of problems that lead into another, if parents were parents and raised their children the right way then maybe they would all be in school. I'm not trying to say all black people are like this because I know that I'm not and I know that so many others aren't either, there are many good black role models and successful black people. I think we need to eliminate the word sell out from our vocabularies and instead try to help each other

After the disasterous election Tuesday, have any more libs wrote anymore books explaining the death of the GOP?

Please don't interpret this election as vindication for the Republican party. It is simply proof that at the moment people hate the Republicans very slightly less than they hate Democrats.

Help? With Spelling homework?

An advertisement asking for specialists in merchandising and enterprising caught my eye. It was a very compromising deal, as its office was in a localized area close to my home. I memorized the ad, and went home socializing with my friend on a cell phone, chatting about how I was extremely worried about getting the job. In empathy, she told me to stay calm and to try my best. When I called the contact number on the ad after I got home, the secretary told me that I would be interviewed on Saturday, finalizing my plans for that day.

Religiously speaking, how can I keep Mi, CT out of trouble?

I want to do everything I can to keep Mi, CT out of trouble. I've thought of joining the Greenwich Police Department to help with that.

Do you ever pretend you are "Suzie Homemaker"?

you know- keeping a clean house, preparing perfect food that is wholesome and nutritious. dusting and vacing and keeping the home tidy?

Basketball jumping?

I play basketball. Im 5'10 130lbs. Im joing track in 2 weeks where i will be running/jogging 3miles every day. Ive been working out my legs(leg press, leg curls, leg raises, and occasionally 125 llb squats. Will running track help me jump higher, make me faster, and quicker? or will it just make me have more stamina?

Monday, August 15, 2011

What do i do, HELP ME!?

ok so lately i noticed my bf has been acting weird when we first started going out he totally showed he loved me holdin hands n holdin me even with his friends around, he didnt care. now he doesnt do that and hes immature and runs around like a little kid and just leaves me standing there all alone. and i HAVE to go to these parties where his ex is at and i hate her and she stares at me and i hate it. and then im left alone and i dont no if he still has feelings for her cause shes always around >=[ AHH

I gave you what i have in front of me,and i gave you the website.?

Creation and the Creator and His Word are foolishness to the flying spag monsters who are perishing. You think we are ridiculous but do you ever listen to yourself. Why aren't you out trying to create something good, instead of trying to bring something good down? Good Christian people built that University where you came from. Only in recent years has the devil taken it over and people like you allow the devil whatever he wishes. The devil controls you and you allow it.

HELP PLEASE !!!! ENGLISH WRITING 100 WORDS !!!! FAST!!!!! 10 POINT !!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Our team wish to join in the football, hokey, badminton, and golf events. il resto si pu� trovare con voi stessi se siete veramente lottando poi usare google translate

John quincy adams?

JQA was never an elected President he was appointed by the House of Representatives against the wishes of the majority of the American people. This was the first of two times an American President was appointed and an election overturned. In the next election the people elected Andrew Jackson in a huge plurality to prevent another stolen election. To suggest that Adams didn't stifle democracy is just plane wrong and against everything decent Americans hold dear.

Did you know that a large alligator gar fish will attract humans?

I've seen them and smelled them. Believe me there is nothing attractive about an alligator gar. Now if you meant attack, I can tell you that they are aggressive and will snap at almost anything. It is reflexsive. In the muddy water they are often in visibility is next to nothing... so they are just a likely to bite a person, or a pig, or dog, or cow, or anything that swims near them.

How to prune my roses.?

Yes. It sounds like it hasn't been pruned in a while. Start at the top of the branches and cut of with clippers two feet of cane. Then work your way down until you reach either 12'' above the ground or 6'' above the new growth which ever is first. From then on keep a watch on it those branches, sound like sucker branches to me, and they are useless to the plant save for taking nutrients from the rose bush. When you see a stalk and it doesn't have any buds on it it's a sucker and you need to cut it out so the bush will have more energy to produce a second bloom later on.

Visiting Japan - Tokyo vs. Okinawa?

I'm going to Japan this fall and trying to plan out my itinerary. My husband will be in Okinawa for work and we are debating if I should fly there direct from NYC or have him meet me in Tokyo. We will probably only go once and I feel like there will be much more culture in a major city than at a vacation destination. We would love to do both but probably won't have the time (or finances). If you had to pick one - where should I go? And, if you happen to be very familiar w/ Japan, we would be going in September which is when Okinawa becomes "Typhoon Alley" so if it's normally a bad time to go, that information would be helpful in our decision making as well. Thanks!

What's your favorite cereal?

mine USED TO BE trix til they turned em all into lil puff instead of actual shapes. why'd they do that? to cut production costs and save money? anyways, now my fav is s'mores.

What should i do with my 1990 topaz?

hello, i have a 1990 ford mercury topaz ( LE, limited edition ) i am going to do some traveling and i like some power to and if there is Any WAY to get more rower but not getting nos maby a turbo but i dont wona spent alot of money. i am not going to junk it!! i am only 16 so i dont need a new car i like the one i have!

Are hipsters a case of genetic predisposition, or just raised that way?

Some hipsters just moved into my apt. complex and are starting to get on my nerves (mainly noise issues). What is the root origin of these creatures and can they be nullified?

My girlfriend gave me her Amex to use for iTunes, but now we broke up and she wants the money, can she sue me?

I downloaded about $1,000 worth of music...and maybe another $400 while we were trying to work things out. What can she do? Small claims, or nothing at all?

Bulimia and sweating after eating?

I'm bulimic and have been for a while now, but something I've always wondered was whenever I do eat and don't immediately purge afterwards my body starts to sweat and I get clammy. I just want to know why it's doing this. Is it because it's not used to food?

Best friends ????????

I want a best friend somehow who will understand mre... and be there for me... My ex best friends talked behind my back to everyone and starts rumors all the time... Now that i'm 13 it's hard to find a best friend. any suggestions how?

I'm 16 and going to be 17 a couple of months and my parents treat me like i'm a kid.?

Ok so right now i'm 16 and pretty close to 17, I ride a bmx bike which i have put around �500 into and do a little bit of street and dirt. I have been doing this for a few months now. Last year i was riding home and i fell off my bike because my trousers got caught in by chain or something and i nearly fractured my arm. Ever since then my mum has become over protective of me riding and makes me wear a helmet whenever i ride, (even if its just outside the house!) and when it gets dark i have to put lights on my bike. It makes me feel really stupid and embarrased and i wish i could just have the freedom to ride without these restrictions. I can ride perfectly fine, i stop at roads and wait for cars to go by, use my brakes, everything i'm supposed to. It's like she has no trust in me and worries about me too much. My mate can ride whenever he likes without helmet or lights and he rides soo carelessly. I have tried talking to her before about this but she didn't listen, she says that if someone else driving carelessly knocks me over then its not something i could of stopped happening and i could get injured or become a vegetable (which i know is true but i havn't been hit by a car before and i am so careful when i ride). She said that she won't stop not letting me ride without a helmet. Sometimes i get really frustrated and even depressed because i feel that i am being held back and have to spend a lot of my day in my bedroom, which she complains that i spend too much time doing even though she gives me reasons why i don't want to go outside. I'm pretty sure that when i'm 18 my parents can't have much say on my actions and i can't wait for that age, but its too far away. So i'm planning on talking to her again and need some good advice and please can no one tell me that i shoud obey my parents or should ride with a helmet or lights because i'm sick of this. They should be my decisions.

Is it really necessary for CNN to do a Black in America 2?

not really; the first one was okay, but the second one is just a follow up of life for black people in america after barack obama won. since i'm black, i have first-hand experience of life after barack obama won so i don't feel the need to watch it. i also don't think that the first one was so awe-inspiring that they needed to make a second one. it was a good doentary, but i've seen better.

Should I try for job or study abroad now?

try for job in india it self there is no other country respcets ur culture and religion and no freedom at all to saty as u were in india

What (2012) doomsday proponent is the toughest to disprove?

Why waste time disproving a pack of nutcases and scam artists parasiting off suckers and the terminally ignorant?

Missing link between man and ape.? Darwinism.!?

Are we missing the point. There is no missing link. WE ARE APES. Very voracious, unforgiving and parasitic. All life is perpetual and parasitic. But we have no choice other than to succeed at the demise of the next man. It's how we advance. It's why we evolved ego's and emotions. After evolving at the top of the food chain, we had to pit our selves against each other in order to carry on advancing. Egos and emotions are very important. THE REASON WE CAN'T ALL SUBSCRIBE TO DARWINISM IS BECAUSE WE WOULD ALL TURN INTO A BUNCH OF SOCIOPATHS WHO WOULD STOP ADVANCING. Do you also believe that people who have mive egos and who are very emotional lose the ability to face this gruesome truth, as they have to far to fall

Bringing home a new puppy- what gear is needed?

Might I suggest a book on "everything you need to know about your new puppy" that will give some basic outline of the potty training process and crate training methods so they start off on the right foot. You could also include a certificate for puppy cles depending on how much you want to spend. The socialization at these kinds of things is critical. Then there's vaccination certificates and/or pet insurance. Just some ideas.

I've been excessively eating, and always sleepy, whats wrong with me ?!?

I'm 19, and I've just started eating copious amounts of food. I have had unprotected , but my question to that is if I WERE possibly pregnant, don't you have to be in like 4 months before the baby makes you hungry all the time ? I'm not gaining much weight, only to all the food I've been eating "about 3 pounds in a week or 2" and I get exhausted sometimes, and at night, I p out quicker than usual. What's wrong with me !? I want an opinion before I waste my money on a prego test. thanks ! (:

Strange famous artists ?

Hi, You might want to look at the sculpture of Mohol-Nagy or of Fletcher Benton. Nemo Gould does these weird alien kind of creatures of metal and Jean Tinguely and Theo Jansen do weird machine like constructs. In painting Yves Tanguy is kind of cool he has globby creature like figures in Martian-like landscapes. Finally Christian Boltanski does these disturbing mixed media images that often refer to the Holocaust . Do a search on some of these people in the images part of your search engine and see if you see something you like. These are all famous artists.

Have most people lost faith in Obama b/c of a distinct sense of not just incompetence but incomprehension?

Your source is pure trash.Realclearpolitics is a corporate house filled with corporate s masquerading as independent journalists.

How to convince my Christian cousin that being gay is not a sin?

she is right and if you would read the bible corinthians 6 it reads s will not inherit the kingdom of heavan so seeing the bible says it is wrong than she is correct in telling you it is and it it wasn't wrong the bible would not mention it.

Best way to learn about Servers and Networks?

Okay. I am not completely new to IT. I am CompTIA A+ certified and I have knowledge of Networks and Some about Servers. However most jobs I apply for wants guys with ACTUAL server/network knowledge or hands on exp. Anyway to get my feet wet with these areas? I ask employers if they will hire me to do basic PC work and If I can work with Network Admins but they don't want to bother with me. I have VMware and installed Windows 2003, But how can I use Static IP with it and for some reason I can't make my OS communicate with another. I know some of these questions seem "obvious" but I would like a Vets Advice.I live in NYC anyone know of apprentice programs that an employer may have? Thanks in advance!

Im lonely i need a boyfriend?

I had a lots of girlfriends and i get bored when i date them for a while so if you ask me just stay solo.

Anyone into aromatherapy?

What essential oils do you think would smell gorgeous mixed with coconut? Not coconut oil, the type you use to flavour when baking. Coconut essence.

Why is it when you get a scent it takes you back prt 2?

Yes i know it because when I smell coffee it takes me back when my moms used to get up in th earlie a.m And when ever I smell lighter fluid that takes me back when my oldest brother surprised me on my 12th birthday. the smell of a certain cigarette takes me to brooklyn N.Y when I lived there with my sister. The smell of raw corn takes me back when I had my first the time when my water broke,,,lol black suede ha ha that's when I had my first crush he wore it all the time.cantaloupe takes me back to the country in New Braunfels San Antonio with my GRAM. Oh especially Bulgar rolling your own cigarette that for sure takes me back to my gramas house.And the smell of the out side there is a certain smell when your outside well that takes me back when one of my sisters and I went roller skating with those ugly metal skates that we had baught for 25 cents we used to go skate over at the tennis court area because the groung was real slick...hahaha. man those were the days. I love those scents so much at times I don't even want to leave the moment. What about you do you ever get like this?

Why are big Sean's album songs edited?

His songs like my last and his brand new song marvin gaye and chardonay are both edited the only one tht isnt is i do it.. Why are they being released like this? and can i expect a dirty version

Who's the best female rapper?

Well I like a few. But my favorite (I'm old school) is Queen Latifah and Rah Digga. I also like the Da Brat.

What are some reasons Christians should have been allowed in Rome?

Because once Christianity took over, it ended up persecuting the native Roman religion. Hypocritical, huh?

Can you help with baby names?

i have a girl name picked out its going to be graciella selena. i dont care if you dont like it im not asking about that i like issac alexander for a boy but i wanted something that goes with graciella, my husband love alexander but id rather that as his middle name, and suggestions? and i cant have a gabriel we already have one in the family! i think graciella and gabriel woulda been cute!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

When can I stretch my ears to an 8g? then 6g.. and possibly 4g after.?

It all depends on your pain tolerance. Your ears, as you have probably figured out, will swell and be very irritated, but it is possible. However you need to make sure you don't rip your ear. And I don't mean like literally rip your ear open. On the inside the skin can rip when pushed too far. It hurts until it heals but it won't ruin it. But from then on that ear might be more prone to ripping. You need to really be cautious and use sterilization. Good luck!

What are your thoughts on Euthanasia?

I think our time on Earth is spelled out for a reason. I would not try to either prolong it or hasten it. I would make the person comfortable and surround them with love and care.

Please help me friends?

which types of grammer is important to get english fluency and how to learn english by english grammer

Is adult enuresis and tingling in extremities, such as fingers, signs of diabetes?

I read on-line that adult enuresis and tingling in extremities are a sign of diabetes. I am encountering both but I don't seem to be countering any other problems. I see blurred vision is another sign. But what is considered blurred vision? Sometimes my vision gets blurry but I would never think it's blurred enough to be a sign. But, perhaps it is. Also, I don't feel constantly thirsty which seems to be the #1 symptom. What do you think? Yes, I am planning on going to a doctor this week to get a diabetes test.

Are people in power today the reason why we need to encourage students to reach full potential?

Well, the hippie generation of the 1960s is now running the country. Isn't it amazing what the Woodstockers have done for us.

I bought a motorcycle in nevada and cant register in in california because it is a 49 state bike..loophole?

now i am riding this bike with it registered in nevada being a cali resident..ive had cops tell me they could seize my bike but none have..i wish there was a way out besides having to sell to someone in nevada..ive done alot of research , swapping speedos etc.. can you appeal a decision by the dmv..they have flagged my bike in the system so i can never register it.. please help

My baby ratty girls are having babies. Any advice?

Ok, so I put my two girls (roughly 6mth old) in with my boy Basil (2.5yr) a little while ago. Now they're pregnant. I had hopes that they'd get pregnant.. but was convinced until a week ago that they hadn't even mated. Basil just didn't seem interested in them like that and I was always checking for a mucus plug or signs they'd done it.. but didn't see anything. Now the girls waist lines are expending and their are becoming more noticeable. I weighed them last night and again this morning and both girls have gained about 4g since last night. I'm going to continue weighing them and seperate them from Basil either tonight or tomorrow (Poor boy is going to be so sad).. but I'd really like some advice from someone with experience. Should I seperate the girls before they give birth, how long before? How long till they can be put in together again? The girls have been together all their lives, and I think the smallest one would freak out without her sister, but I don't want them fighting over the babies. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please can some1 help????

Hey guys...I need help..i ordered a pendant on a website called SHOPATEGYPT.COM..on january 30th (08) they took the funds out of my account on the 2nd of February. I have NOT RECIEVED MY **** YET!!!!! I had my hubby check this company out and we found a number to a guy named sammie..i called a couple of time and a women answerd and said he out of town..finally she called me back and said she spoke to him (which mind shes been saying hes out of the country) and he said i must have the wrong guy. He never called me she just said deleverd the message. I was going to call back and go off but i was thinking she might try to prosicute me for harriing her. I dont think she is the owner of this company i think her hubby is. Can any1 help me find this guy!!! Or get a # to track this Company....HAS ANY1 HEARD OF THIS COMPANY?? SHOP @EGYPT.COM

How does prenatal care help a baby to be born healthy with no birth defects?

I'm thinking about some doentaries and photos I've seen from India, mostly places in the east or in underdeveloped countries. They seem to have an extraordinarily high amount of babies born with birth defects. Is this because many of them don't receive prenatal care? If so, how does prenatal care prevent babies from being born, for example, with mermaid syndrome, or wolfman syndrome, or the elephant man syndrome. I would think that such birth defects would be hard-wired into the DNA, and no amount of prenatal care could avoid it. On the other hand, I'm aware that prenatal vitamins and a healthy lifestyle with nutritious foods and physical exercise (and good genes too) will most likely pave the way to a healthy, whole child being born.

How to become an actor like clooney or pitt?

If you are a liar is it no wonder you are unemployed. Acting is not lying, quite the opposite, it is being completely honest. So, can you go live somewhere there is a lot of film and theatre being done? Can you support yourself while trying to become an actor? Do you have any proof that you can act? Step one would be to go tryout for the local community theatre and see is you can get a part and how well you do .

What to do with my brother's clmate who's a perv?

If you hurt him then you would be in trouble right so why not hurt him and make it look like its an accident.

Has anyone read the "southern vampire" novels" (or sookie stackhouse series)?

I've read the first three novels-Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas and Club Dead. I really liked them, the stories are quite funny to read and well written, though they contain a considerable amount of gore. I think you will like them.

Good ways to get reconized by college coaches?

Run fast, get decent grades, do well on your SATS/ACTS, and contact coaches at colleges you're interested in and introduce yourself.

Spanish speakers! how do you say -?

im mexican and so are my family this is how u say it----->> "la mia tiene un abujero ?"

As a secular guy and an atheist, celebrating the festivels is fair on my part?

oh my fellow beings out here! i m very much secular-no religious activities will bother me even a drop in my life. moreover i dont believe in God or supernatural things. i dont believe in any religion even i was born hindu. i believe in humans and their character. but i love to celebrate festivels very much whether it is going to be diwali, christmas, ramzan or any other. the only reason why do i celebrate festivels which is a byproduct of religions is bcoz it brings more happiness and brings our friends @ family close together atleast once in a year of our busy schedule. for me festivel is a day of happiness. i dont think we have to be adhesive to any particular religion's festivel. every festivel brings happiness eventhough it adheres to a specific religions' views. let the festivels be meant for praising Gods. but i think, for human beings, it's happiness.

Punctuation: Comma before "and"?

Ok, I've always been told that there should be, just like you have it, but it seems like EVERYONE - in handbooks, instructions, t.v., etc. does it without. To me, it's annoying just because (its hard to explain) so i wont try; but still, your not wrong either way, at least in today's world - just preference

Giants Fans, what idiot is doing this?

I don't understand how a major league pitcher can commit 2 balks in that situation. Armando has his ups and downs though -- but he's really suking right now.

Cutting depression anxiety?

I cut a little over a year ago and started again recently. I need help I'm sure of it. I tried getting help by asking my dad but he just denies I have any problems. I want all this to go away. I have anxiety and depression it's been affecting me for 3 years now. If I tell the school consular I need help what will happen?..I want to know what the counselor would do for me? I need help I hate my life. But my dad won't get it for me.

If a child runs into a store and steals candy, would you reward them with more candy?

I read today that a 15 year-old romanian boy was arrested for the third time for hijacking a bus. The boy wants to be a bus-driver more than anything else, the authorities realize that sending this 15 year old boy to prison would probably ruin his life so instead the bus station officials have agreed to begin training him to become a bus driver- now why can't we all be like that?

Ground Squirrel or Bunny?

Just leave them be. Their momma will take care of them. If not, you will need to take them to a wildlife rescue shelter.

What makes a gymnast such a crowd pleaser?

There are gymnasts out there (i.e. obviously the Olympic/Elite level gymnasts, and some gymnasts on Youtube like emer8nica [Nica Hults] and eufricon [Lizzy Leduc]) that are very good performers, and others that just look awkward. What qualities define the great gymnasts and make them so entertaining to watch?

Once again archeology confirms the biblical record. Are you impressed?

No. If geographical or historical evidence proved divinity to you why didn't you follow David Koresh?

Question for all women who see this and get there period?

Sooo How old were you? wered it happen? How old are you now? Howd you tell your mom/dad/guardian, was it scary? Nervous? did you use tampons or pads or panyliners and did your parents go out and by them right away? Or were you to nervous to tell them and bought your own?were you heavy or light? did you buy your own or did your parents? ps if you want to know why im asking, Im kinda curious sorta doing a poll

My Boxer.....?

I would take her to puppy training cles. I have and English Mastiff (hes now 220 lbs) and when he was a puppy he did the same thing and we knew he was rapidly growing and the behavior needed to stop. We took him to a Petsmart puppy training and it worked wonders! Good luck!

At what age did you realize who your favorite rapper was?

Well I first found out about my favorite rapper when I was 11. But I didn't realize they were my favorite untill I was 13. Now I'm 20 and they're still my favorite so I don't think that's gonna change. It's Guru btw.

Please, at least one answer?? why is my ex doing this??!?

You know what! Throw him in the back of your mind. Make sure not to think about him until he does something really incredible to get you back... if you get back together with him, it will be weird and never the same. You will reconize why you should do this! If you ask him out, he will think he has something over you, or that he can control you. There is just somehting about some "men" that says,"I'm not looking for love, I'm looking for power". So the thing you have to know is that a year is not long enough! Love happens at it's own rate. You don't get back together with him until he proves he belongs with you! Anymore "rumors" about him dating other people, date that other dude at your new school! Maybe he will treat you better and realize how you can benifit each other. Good luck... have a good life (that last part was to your ex!)

Will financial aid pay for u to qo to 2 different schools?

I enrolled in a colleqe last year to bcome a medical itant (June 2010) and I want to enroll in another one (Hair School) this June 2011 and I want to know will financial aid pay for me 2 be in both schools? Any information will be helpful! Thanks In Advance

Do you support net neutrality as a fundamental right?

According to wiki: Network neutrality is a principle proposed for user access networks participating in the Internet that advocates no restrictions by ISPs or governments on content, sites, or platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and on the modes of communication allowed, as well as communication that is not unreasonably degraded by other traffic.

If six white teens beat a black teen down, I wonder if society would seek the max punishment for hate crimes?

Yeah, I am talking about Jana six. And don't start in about the noose crap either, because the fights and disagreements concerning that was dealt with weeks before the the attack happened. the white teen ran his mouth, so six black teens beat him down. That simple, but it is also a hate crime and should be treated as such. That is unless you believe that hate crime laws only apply whenever a MINORITY is the victim of a racial fueled ault.

How do I get over this? My boyfriend of two years was a complete jerk...?

Just let it go. Start over. Trust me its a good thing to do and if it happens again then don't go back. He probably was stressed out since he had to do all that stuff in a week. You also dont have to be super close to someone to be sad. Its called Sympathy for his mom or dad who ever side the uncle came from. Lets say your Friends Dog died you met that dog like once here and there but you were not attached to it like she was but you still feel sad right?

Do underground cannibal restaurants exist?

In the move the Last Supper a serial killer discovers an underground restaurant that chooses a woman to decapitate and cuts up and serve them in front of people who are paying customers. Things like Hostel and Turistas are based on rumored or reported events so I am wondering do these places exist as well?

Saiga 7.2x39 or SKS ?

Which one is better in accuracy, durability and performance. Considering they are in similar price range which is better value for the money ?

Where to store/upload an image from a web form? In the database table or on webserver/filesystem?

I am developing a matrimonial website where I require to store/upload images from users at the time of registration. I want to know what is the best approach to store/upload images for such a purpose, that is where to store/upload image, in the database table as BLOB data type or storing/uploading image in a separate folder/directory on web-server/file-system and and adding the location/details (text string) of the images to the database.? I am using Java, JSP, Servlets for programming and MySQL as database. Please also let me know if any other best methodology is there. I am also told that certain web hosts disallow uploading images into MySQL database. My host is

Is there any principle you always stick to?

Apart from cya, don't get caught, all that cr@p? Try to think of something which is not to do with satisfying your own physical cravings and requires a degree of sacrifice on your part. I would expect not.

I have a question ?

I don't think so. I would just e-mail them and ask about their review or if they have a home page or something ask them their. What kind of stuff do you write i love and im always looking for new stuff to read.

Can a Roman Catholic Christian practice other religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism?

And still be a good Roman Catholic Christian? Is it possible to incorporate some of the beliefs of those three religions with Roman Catholicism?

Honeywell motorised valve V4043H1056- Is operation correct ?.?

I have a Honeywell V4043H1056 motor valve governing use of the hot water supply on a fully pumped central heating system. It recently failed to operate + I had to use the manual switch to obtain hot water via the c/heating facility.Even with both c/heating + h/water switched OFF, the boiler would operate when I made use of the manual switch to either the CH. or HW The manual had plenty of "slack" + was not under any pressure at the "off" position, indicating that the valve might well be seized to some extent.I removed the powerhead and found that the valve spindle would turn (quite easily with hand pressure only), but for about 1/8th of 1 revolution and no further I applied W40 and gentle pressure in an effort to release the spindle further. After this treatment it became very free and revolved either way with hand pressure but WITHOUT ANY STOPS.. I cannot now switch off the valve+ have constant hot water. Can anyone tell me the correct spindle movement for the valve ?. Thanks

Why am I such a loser....10 pts?

Just relax. Stop thinking so hard. Find out what is troubling you and attempt to fix it. Set little goals for yourself. Get into a habit that makes you feel better about yourself. Mine is running. Talk to him about what is bothering you. If he leaves then you will know he wasn't worth changing for.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What are the different outfits that Princess Leia has worn?

For my youth group we have to dress up like star wars characters to make points. Whichever team wins gets to go to six flags for free. I got voted to be princess leia. What outfits did she wear beside the typical white robe? and how do I make them??? My hair is like shoulder length too so it will be hard to do the!!

Why is.......................?

=O was just about to ask the same question - tho mine's next to a dun dun dun..............thesaurus =D

How to quickly and affectively qet rid of my stretch marks ?

ive' had stretch marks for a while now.. and its now becoming a bigger problem then its ever been (now that i want to wear swim suits and shorts this summer) . im 13 and it sort of juss appeared when my start qettinq biqqer. im a sort of caramel color. and i have dark black swirly stretch marks all over my and hipps. .. i know, there really bad :( mann i really wanna qet rid of them so bad . any kind of help would be very appreciated.

Please help me with my baby's hair, it's out of control!?

He's 10 months old. His hair is only out of control because I can't cut it; I promised my mother I wouldn't until she can see him. Anyway, before it started growing it was straight; the longer it gets the wavier/curlier it gets. This makes it sort of unmanageable; I can comb it right after his bath but it waves up as it dries so it's all over the place. It just doesn't look neat. Is there a product I can use that will keep it smooth and neat without that "hair product" feel? Any suggestions are appreciated

Will you please like to read this if you can spare a moment thanks?

Its good. No, its really good. You should defiantely get that peom published. Its nice because you arent writing in the past like alot of the poems that I have read you are writing about our generation, when you mentioned computers. Send it to a publisher! Good luck!

Biology Help please! THANKS :)?

We're not going to just give you the answer. You have to learn's all in your book :) You'll never learn if you're always asking for just the me on that one.

Piercing laws question?

Could I get my lip pierced in the Salisbury maryland area now? I'm 15 turning 16 in july and I have parental consent

Did the pharaoh actually have free will? Did he have a choice when Moses asked him to let his people go?

Hello my friend no the bible is not a fairy tale it is very real and you do have free will to believe or not to believe . It,s good that you read Exodus if it were you after the first plague don,t you think you would have said enough is enough after all the signs God gave the Pharaoh he did not believe and neather did the people of Moses so just think of it this way If all these people were there when God was there with these people and they did not believe in him just think of it in today's terms every one has his or her Owen God keep reading the bible and ask for understanding it will come to you and if it does not don,t worry about it every thing in the bible is not for us to understand

Dallas Braden vs Brandon Morrow?

Yeah I have a feeling Braden will do better. Morrow does have a bad road record, but he did prove how good he could be during that game vs. the Rays. Still, Braden has a better shot.

Erap was found guilty of plunder, what will happen next?

filipinos all around the globe will talk about it for a couple of days then die down then we go back to the usual days and talk about ruffa and ylmaz and pinoy big brother new housemates...whats new??its tiring to see the political circus in our country...sana they get tired of fooling us filipinos,sana lang :(

Y&R: Sharon or Phyllis, which one do you like more?

For me it's Phyllis.. I can't stand Sharon she makes me sick and I can't wait for Phyllis to leave NICKS no good behind!!

Cat Experts! Introducing New Kitten?

my cat is 12 years old a tomcat and a real home cat, he's very afectionate and loves are attention, we did used to have 2 others but they died about 5 years ago... were thinking of getting a kitten but would this affect my cat? i wouldnt forgive myself if he ran away....would a female or male be better and what would be a way of introducing the kitten to my cat?

I have a Dream,, by Dr. King?

I loved how you put your thoughts into words. This really ministered to me personally. You have instilled hope within me, that His dream will come to p in my life. I strive to rise above the guilt, oppression and consequences of the sin in my life. Everyday as I call on Him, He has set me free (I can feel it) from s of the lies that I have believed about myself. I am becoming more free and am enjoying my life more each day. Thank you for your thoughts, and a big star for you!

Baboon ?

I think I need to see a pic just to make sure, lol......No, really, it will smooth out for the most part, but, what I would do is put a sunless tanning lotion on my .....just a little bit to cover the lines.

Can someone help me overcome my stress?

Don't worry about how people think of you or how you feel like you don't belong. It's good to make new friend, try finding friends online who can help you with your problems. And try to stay cool.............

Which one of Johnny Depp's portrayed characters is your favorite?

Edward Scissorhands it is to this day the only movie i don't get a.d.d with. My fave since i was 4 and i am 22.

I just found out that I am pregnant and I took a diuretic yesterday. Will my baby be ok?

3 weeks?! No way, you should see DR this weeks if you call for make a appointment. That is not right! Sighs they dumb a s s. I noticed lot of doctor always put lot of women's long appointments! If you are not pregnant well can wait longer but if you pregnant and doctor GYN MUST MUST MUST check up with you!

How can i grow taller and how long should it take?

Consuming the correct food is important for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it's a superfood too. There is a risk free trial offered at I've been using it for 3 weeks now and it is definately having an effect!!

Why the meridians of longitude are half circles?

why a single meridians of longitude does not travel all around the earth as the parallels of latitude?

Amar'e Stoudemire to the Bulls?

What do you guys think are the chances of Amar'e going to the Bulls? I think Chicago is one of the frontrunners right now in getting him and I think they might actually have the best chance since they have everything that the Suns are looking for (expiring contracts, young talent, etc.). Amar'e wants to be "the man" and has blamed Shaq's presence on his struggles. He wouldnt complain about that here in Chicago. The Bulls are a better team than their record shows and I think adding a big man like Stoudy is just what they need to get on track.

Why whitewall? Look at your tires? Does the white writing have any value?

Whitewall is not the lettering on the tires. a href=",r:12,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a will show you what it is. It's purely decorative.

Rate my new spellcaster deck 2009 ban list approved!?

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer yah take one of those out and replace it with dark magician girl and take two spells and replace them with a sages stone. thats why i give it a...8/10!!

Im reading the book "Silas Marner" by george eliot, its so BORING! HELP!!?

I have to read this book for pre-ap english (im going into ninth grade) and i also have to read another book, i keep putting it off and i really need to finish it, its just too boring!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!

How can I get naturally darker skin?

it depends who you are, if that peeling and burning is happening, it always will unless you get cerain sun-blocks that protect from burns, and produces a tan, you havent heard of it? pick it up anywhere, but dont always get ur hopes up, some people can just never be tan, like in london, people are like vampires, ghostly pale. im irish, lebanese, french, saudi arabian, and english, but the darker colored part of my ethnicity in gives me a perfect tan, without getting burnt easily

What am I supposed to do during fall/winter?

I am trying to think of what I can do in the rain/snow...but I can't think of anything? I am training my 3 year old gelding to become a fancy show hunter, but how can I do that when the footing is horrible? I pasture board in a field, and I take lessons up the road. Walking there takes about 30 minutes. Boarding at the facility is way out of the question- $600/month, plus lessons, farrier, ect and I have got two horses, which would equal it up to about $1500/month! I do not own a horse trailer, and none of my friends do either. Right now I can only ride two days a week (sat+sun) because it gets dark at like 4:30 and my mom gets off work @ 6pm- she works mon-fri. (I have to walk my horses up the road for 30 minutes to get to the barn/arena/instructor). The barn I am riding at leases their ring out for $100/month and you can ride unlimited in it (this is for non boarders). This is what I will be doing in the summer, I will lease it and ride both my horses 5-7days a week, because I will not have to walk in the dark as it will get dark at like 10:30pm! But my question can I ride in the winter? Right now it's not so bad (except my horse is lame)...just a lot of rain and I'm okay to walk in the rain, but what about snow? We get like 3ft of snow at one time...? How can I prepare my horses for show season in that? lol. I was hoping to really get my gelding going for next year so I can show him in the local hack cles. I also would like to do the winter show in febuary. What would you do in my situation? I want to improve my young horse, and myself but...? what do you guys do in the winter? Would you guys trudge through 3ft of snow for 45minutes to get to a riding arena?? thanks

How do I best tell my boyfriend I want kids in the future?

We've talked about it before. Shortly after we got together I found out we were pregnant and lost the baby. We were upset, but more shocked at the reactions we had. Neither of us immediately thought "oh crap" because before meeting each other neither of us thought we wanted children. But when I first read that pregnancy test I was elated at the thought of spending the rest of my life with this man. And when I told him, he smiled, hugged me, and told me how much he loved me. After losing the baby we talked more about our intial positive reactions and how much that meant we trusted each other. Now we're talking about wedding plans :) but I know in the future (near) I know I'll want the family I've dreamed of since I was a little girl but thought I'd never have because I was sure my "perfect man" didn't exsist...but here he is, this is my life. We were both leaning towards kids last we seriously spoke of it, how do I tell him I'm certain? That I'm ready to have my IUD removed and let nature do its thing?

Friday, August 12, 2011

I am currently on a 500mb per month plan for using the it enough?

all i need the internet for is to trade that means i will be on the internet about 10 hours a day...i will have streaming quotes on my screen so that means there is constant movement...does that use mbs?

Saving private ryan question?

In the movie Saving Private Ryan, Cpt. Miller (Hanks) tells Ryan to "earn it. Earn this." as the movie ends, Ryan (elderly) asks his wife to tell him 'he has been a good man.' What is the message this movie gives to younger generations and what does he mean by those words? Somebody help me out, I can't figure this out :(

How To Deal With A Potential Model's Timidity?

Congrats on getting the courage to ask her to model for you :) Tell her she can get some nice pics for her MySpace and that you'lll show her all the images and which-ever ones she doesn't like you can delete . That's how i got my friend to model for me because she hates cameras with a pion and the first couple of shots she kept on saying ' I look so bad/my nose is too big " though after like 10 minutes of me saying "this looks great , keep on doing that " she started to have fun . Though since she agreed in the first place maybe she is hesitant/nervous having second thoughts about being alone with you ? If anyone asked me to take a shot of me and i didn't know that person that well i would be nervous .

I'm curious. Are you against the death penalty? Is there anything in Islam that speaks about this?

I was just answering a question about the differences between ity and pedophilia and as a survivor of molestation and I hold the personal opinion that all pedophiles should get the death penalty. The horrifying abuse they perpetrate upon children affects them for the rest of their lives. Many are unable to live normal lives because of the scars left by the abuse and I think anything less than death is to lenient for these sick, disgusting people. Do you agree or disagree?

I have been dating a man for almost six months. This has told me or speaks to me like we have a relationship.?

He as always showed me respect and has been quite the gentleman. Now suddenly an old girlfriend has come out of the woodwork, he was told me that she suprised him and told him that she was flying out yesterday and that she would be staying with him for about a week. I feel that he totally disrespecting me and my feeling? What do you think

How do you check if a cell phone has a bad esn?

Im guessing you're referring to sprint phones. You can get the esn if possible & call sprint (or if its another service) customer service & they can tell you, but generally if an account is delinquent or past due the esn will be bad.

Do you think there will be a Halo 4?

there has to be with that kind of cliffhanger. if you beat the last level on legendary it shows the ship that cortana and master chief are on floating towards a planet.

How evil is your mother-in-law ?

LOL My mother in law is actually really really nice to me Id even give her a 10 or close to it..she loves me. But she is the complete opposite to my brother inlaws partner she is so rude to her, they barely speak they way she treats her is about a 1 LOL. Thats probably cos the other girl is a b**ch.

atiel Egg Questions?

the only way i know of is to hold the egg over a flashlight. if you can pretty much see though it, not fertile, but if there is a large dark area inside its growing a baby!

What genre is the book, The Death of Vishnu?

I have to do a project in my english cl, in which we find the genre of a book and change the genre to another (i.e. horror, comedy, etc.) I'm not really able to put my finger on what the genre of the book is, can anyone help, thanks.

Who do you want to win American Idol season 9?

Crystal Bowersox or Michael Lynch. I totally agree with u. i dont like Tim Urban at all either. i wish he would have been eliminated instead of didi. -_-

51% of of Bachelor's degrees in science and engineering are now awarded to women...?

I attribute it to the lack of motivation. I see near-equal number of men and women programmers here though.

Window XP - how to make your admin account protected/more private from other admins & prevent deleting?

take ownership of the main administrator, the hidden and the most powerful of all admin accounts. You brother wont know about that. To learn more windows secrets visit my profile (just click my picture) and under "visit my website" click the link. There you will find some very interesting tutorials and some secrets about windows OS

PLZ HELP! I was informed

If you are in cross country, you should be running every day. Whoever told you that was very, very wrong. So don't worry about off days, just get out and run five days a week (six max).

About God's three sentient creatures!?

Have you ever seen angels or jinnis? Do you get all your information about them from a single book? You may need to work on your fact-checking.

Do grownups like Justin Bieber?

I am like a huuuuge Justin Bieber fan and I just love him sooooo much. Recently my uncle said he loves Justin Bieber as well and likes to dance to him too. He asked me if I wanted to like have dance party..he said he likes to dance to Justin Bieber in his underwear and told me I should do it too when we get together for our dancing party. I think my uncle is really I am just not sure if all grown ups like to dance to JB in their undies...because I think it is really funny

How does my fantasy baseball team look still have 5 more to draft tomorrow.?

I'd say its pretty good. The only real weakness I can see is your relief pitching and maybe your outfield. JJ Putz is hurt and might not be ready on opening day. Crawford and Bay will be as good as they have been. Ibanez, I feel, might not be as good as last year as he's not getting any younger. I don't know if he can put up the numbers he did last year (.287 avg, 33hr, 123rbi's). If you can pick up a solid closer or set up guy and a up and coming outfielder (Delmon Young) I think you'll be okay.

Just wondering about fry...?

I don't think the home made shelter will do much good for the fry. I have a shelter/dugout made from a clay planter pot that i broke in half. i have the noticed that my guppy fry will hang out near the outside, but never go in. They pretty much just stick to the plants. on the other hand. My Cory cats and other adult fish love it, so i figure the time they spend hiding in there, the less time they might be eating my fry. For fry, the best thing is a dense section of plants, live or plastic. This is however my own observation.

Why would God summon a flood?

Why would God summon a flood to euthanize all his unwanted pets? Certainly, if He has the power to rapture beings instantly, He should be able to come up with a more humane mode of extermination. Drowning is not fun.

atoo, Macaw, African Grey - Which Are More Demanding and Difficult to Keep?

ALL PARROTS are very sensitive and demanding. They can make marvelous pets, but the demands are very high. It does look as if You have done Your home work. I have two small parrots that take up all my leisure time. The Macaws and atoos would be out of my league,(and I am fairly experienced). So if You are a novice then the best choice out of the three would be the Grey. I would personally recommend something like a Senegal or a Jardines or Meyers though if it is the first bird You have kept. If it works well with one of these smaller birds then there is no reason why You could not get the larger bird later.

If Hotels, Motels and Gyms can do it...Why can't I?

Normally I wash my white towels in warm/hot water, soap, bleach and Borax. Afterwards: into the dryer. However, they always come out with gray/blue/multi colored little pills of fuzz. I hate it! How do you keep this from happening?

Got into uni, not too fancy, meal suggestions?

I want to make my sister a celebration meal for getting into uni and getting really good grades in her a-levels yesterday, so I am going to make her a cheese-cake for desert but stuck on the main, she will eat almost anything but isn't really one for really fancy food her favorite meal is probably a curry or chili con carne but I want something a bit fancy any suggestions are gladly appreciated i'm not a professional or anything but I seem to have a nack of things coming out tasting good so will try any recipe (i'm only 14 though) thank you xx

Dress for my Birthday!?

AEROPOSTALE.COM for sure. really cute dresses and summer colors too! They are also pretty cheapp. defff not over 50 bucks!!

Is my bonsai going to be ok?

ok heres the breakdown, i just bought a bonsai that looks pretty nice, its a juniper thats supposedly 4 years old, really cant believe that too much, its about 5 inches high so i think its 3 years but back to the subject, its winter and i have a stand by my window for light for my tree and at my dads we have a grow room and i could put it in there for 2 days a week when im there, will my bonsai going to be ok until summer? and also please give me some tips if you can(im new to this)

Things that Inhibit Growth?

Your theme is total nonsense. The only things that will inhibit growth is malnutrition or toxic substances in the foodstuffs. Your presentation is quack&fraud.

How long does arsenic stay in the human body?

It can be detected even after death in the hair and fingernails. In a live person, with sensitive equipment, perhaps a month....After that, the traces are almost impossible to detect if no more arsenic was ingested.

Help me group my muscles for lifting. I don't want to overtrain?

What you want to do is work your lower body too. Don't just focus on upper or you lose a lot of strength. If you want to you could just do 3 days a week (Monday, Wenesday, Friday) and do an hour an a half or so of good full body workout which gives your muscles relapse time to grow. Also you can do cardio on the other days to train your heart to be able to stay up with your body. Make sure to do core work as well which can help almost all of your lifts.

How to make or where to get a keystroke logger?

On my home computer i let my two little brothers play on it. They know the pword to get on it and they use it to play they're little online multiplayer games. But one of them is going in and trying to change my pword. Also i came in one day and found inappropriate websites had been opened. They both log on to AIM when they get on and talk to friends so i was thinking i could catch them in the act with what they log on to AIM with or see what theyre typing. Anyways i wondering if anyone could tell me the best and simplest scripting language to write a key logger. Or if you have a clean and free one i could download off of a site that would be helpfull too.

Novak Djokovic?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Will Novak still be in the top 5 by the end of this year? Also, does anyone else have a feeling Novak can win the French open this year? I know theres Nadal but i have a strange feeling.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where can i download the string quartet of "when you look me in the eyes" by the Jonas Brothers?

I've been looking through different sites searching for the string quartet of "when you look me in the eyes" by the Jonas. If anyone knows where I can download that file as mp3, please help. Thank You.

Looking for this old,legendary beat/song?

Okay I dont have enough information nor memory for it..but I know it had drums...piano maybe...uh dammit, Um oh yeah theres a voice that always goes "Yeah....yeah.... oh aah" every couple of seconds.. it sounded r & b/techno ish type? If you know anything that sounds even remotely like this please tell me the song/artist. I dont know how old this song is but I remember hearing it over 6 years ago if that helps. So its pretty old, but it was famous I think. "Yeah...Yeah...oh ah.." and it kinda echoed was

Have you ever noticed how Athiests are the biggest Muslim sympatheizers?

Actually most of us don't hate anyone simply for their religious beliefs. This includes Muslims. I think most of us understand that not all Muslims are wackos in the same way that all people of your faith are not equally bigoted.

Why is the number 13 a "Cursed" number?

I watched on a Germany television that there are 13 "star signs" not 12. The thirteenth "star sign"(snake) was excluded because the number 13 is curse. So,i would know something about that.Why is 13 a cursed number?

OK, so nobody knows where I can find out about Aromatherapy...?

I need to know! My teachers had told us that flowers helped you think of math and like something else made u think of english. does anyone know what scents help you think of which school subject???

Is it wrong to pretend to like somebody?

I like this girl at my school and I THOUGHT she liked me (she was huggin me and said she loved me cuz I breakdance and sh**) then a few days later, I find out that she's goin out with one of my friends. He was a guy who was supporting me and encouraging me to ask her out. What the hell?! Advice?

How to make real irish floury potatoes?

I'm not asking the difference between waxy vs floury potato varieties but rather how to make traditional floury irish potatoes. The only instruction I have seen is to steam or boil the potatoes, drain and return to the heat, put the lid on and shake until the desired effect is reached...which is what? Is this simply instead of using a potato masher????

What is the relationship between heredity and environmental factors in determining development?

Heredity is predetermined when we are conceived Environment works on us our whole lives to enhance or change that.

Chemistry question help !?

Convert 145 g to moles of butane and multiply by the heat of vaporization. The moles cancel out and you're left with kJ

Would you file a police report on this? truck got broken into last night. They jacked-up the driver's side keyhole, stole my organizer, a bag of groceries that was in there, and a work shirt. (Nothing of any great value was stolen.) Do you think I should go ahead and file a police report anyway? I mean, I'm never going to get those, ultimately, inconsequential items back, but...should a report be filed, anyway? (The door lock was damaged but it's still functioning.)

How wrong of it was me to tell my nephews mom that his BIGGEST prob in life is that his parents arent together?

I can completely understand where you are coming from. My parents separated when I was 5. They didn't even have a messy separation, no drugs, drinking, drama of anysorts. It was a nice little "every other weekend' arrangement, my dad paid child support every month on time, and it STILL was hard on me. So I can't even imagine what this poor little guy is going through, but I do not feel like it is wrong for you to talk to her about the situation. I DO, however, think that bringing it up when you know she's already mad is probably not the best idea. When you can get her to talk to you when she's not fussing and raising hell, then I might would bring it up to her. I would tell her that her and Chris need to come up with a better plan and a more organized way of doing things because its hurting Jordan. They need set times to pick up/drop off, and for God's sake, they HAVE GOT TO BE civil. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If all that kid sees is how much they hate eachother, how do you think his outlook on relationships is going to be when he grows up? I would have a stern talking to BOTH parents of the child, and I know it sucks for you, but if Chris can't be there in the way his son needs him to be, then maybe it really is best if he isn't in his life right now. I know that would mean you couldn't see him as much, but you also have to think of him too. You can't just allow Chris to continue with the drugs, drinking, and all around sorriness he seems to be doing as a parent and think that Jordan is going to be okay just cuz he sees his dad, it doesn't work like that. Sometimes it's more beneficial for a child not to have certain people in their lives at all if it means they have to be around things like that. But talk with them both, explain how you feel and let them know you are sick of the drama between them. I can ure you, having parents who are divorced or separated is no fun, even when arrangements are made and they are civil to one another, it sucks. I've been there, done that. I'm grown now and it still hurts me that I was one of the only kids I knew that couldn't go home to their mom AND dad. I couldn't go outside and play with my dad then come in and help mama cook, (just an example), and it was no fun at all. So without the proper arrangements, child support, and being civil, they have A LOT to work on for that child's sake.

Drinking Bird Question?

Anything besides a little dust will upset the balance an motion, if it is in a close space evaporated water will condense on it.

Where am I on the political spectrum?

Mostly conservative with a little moderation on some items. You are very close to moderately conservative, maybe a hair to the right of that.

Is there a statute of limitations on a "fix it" ticket?

My friend got a fix-it ticket while driving through another state over 16 yrs ago but never paid or appeared. He has since been able to renew his license, p background checks, and has been pulled over several times without incident. Why? Could the ticket have been nullified?

Swollen Ankle... Help?

I landed on my ankle weird while I was at ultimate practice today. I landed on the outside of my foot because of a huge pothole and my foot was bent in suddenly. I can walk so I know it isn't sprained but my ankle is pretty swollen. I got home and iced it for about an hour, doing it 15 mins at a time and taking a small break. Then I soaked my ankle in warm water for a good half an hour. I've taken Ibuprofen and I have an ankle brace on. The swelling won't seem to go down at all but I don't feel pain when I was, except for the occasional jolt when I walk on uneven ground. I heard that icing it doesn't help after a day so I don't know what else to do. Please help?

When is SDK for iPod touch coming out and what will it do for my iPod andhow do I get it when it comes out??

It was supposed to be the end of last February but that didn't materialize. So, you know Apple, it could be anytime soon or it could take forever. SDK stands for Software Development Kit. Meaning other companies will offically be able to make software applications for the iPod Touch and the iPhone. So you might see some useful software coming to your iPod soon.

Red spots on and foreskin?

my glans looks like it has a rash on it, but it is not very visible. it has been like that for months and hasnt changed. today when i woke up , i saw it was the same, but after i came from work about 7 hours later, there were 2 spots under my foreskin. One deep inside that was pretty big and another small one. What is this??? please help , i cannot go to a doctor for another 3 days and i am uncirsized. cant be an std . thank you

Liberals' reason for free healthcare: ER overusage. shouldn't the political solution be..?

to ban freeloaders from emergency rooms. Liberals always want more government as any solution, more of your tax money, not theirs because most of them are lazy freeloaders themselves.

What couler shoul di go with?

Blonde over brown instead of brown over blonde. Thats what I used to have. It looks so much better. In fact, in my question v I have a picture of my hair like that. Get it like that =D


ok so dis is wat happend... i like dis guy but im not sure if he likez me hez kind of the temper and shy guy he stares at me everyday and trys to make me laugh if another guy trs to make me laugh then he wil try to compete with them .. he always sits wer he can see me and if i am somewhere he always be trying to talk to me or mess around with me BUT THE PROBLEM IS DER ARE ALOT OF GIRLS BUT HE JUST TLKS TO THEM AND MOVES ON HE LAUGHS WITH ME AND STUFF LIKE THAT so does he like me i really need to know itz just pisson me off!!

How many of you have tried Phelure Pheromones? Does it work for u?

I bought a bottle the other day, and after putting it on, it just smells like cheap cologne, and it doesn't work. I think it's all in the mind on how you use the product. Has anyone els tried it? Does it really work for u?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is a good, cheap graphics card that will support spore on a PCV-RX203 sony vaio PC?

Nvidia graphic cards are low cost and I have found them to be good. Though I don't know whether or not any of them would work on your machine. You need to check you motherboard manual to see what type of sockets you have on board before buying any new hardware for your computer.

Maury's y decoys...Where they do that at?

They are getting paid to let other women's men kiss them and feel them up. Technically, they are prostitutes, right? Do girls act like this in real life, kiss guys they just met? Don't they care that these guys may have been licking on their girlfriends hours before?? Weird...

Phineas and Ferb DS game?

What do you do in the game. Do you fight at all like fight doofinsmerch or something? Is it all just minigames and is there any boss battles?

Sentinel doesn't work on certain breeds?

I heard that the heartworm pill sentinel only works on some dogs.... that certain breeds are protected... is this true? what breeds?

Which of these birds should not be caged alone?

A. Budgies prefer to be kept in pairs or groups, although if given enough attention they can live alone.

IPhone or Blackberry Bold?

I've had the iPhone for a little over 9 months now, and I'm very bored with it, it's the original iPhone, and I bought it for 300$ , and I have someone who will buy it off me tommorow for 280$, I find it unreliable and it sometimes glitches out hard, and I reaaally want the Blackberry Bold, can someone convince me, or tell me some cool features about the Bold, like I can add my own ringtones or text messaging ring tones? Or can I get games on it and such? Oh and I am not looking to pay for a dataplan, I can just use the wi-fi at home, and also can you send MSM (Pictures) without a data plan?

Harry potter fans? need ur opinion?


I have a question about the pinhole camera?

About a one inch square, it depends on the size of the material you are using with the pinhole in it!

Who is the best goalkeeper?

I would say a tie between Iker Casillas and Gianluigi Buffon. Iker Casillas because he captained spain during their euro 2008 win but im leaning more toward buffon because even though italy didnt win the euro he practically carried the team through it. He also had a fair few great performances durin the 2006 world cup. behind these two i would say chech based on skill even though i think hes a bit off form at the moment. i havnt heard dida's name mentioned for a fair few months so thats why i didnt pick him, Van Der Sar is getting old it has to be said. Frequent injury has put him off the starting line up and hes retired from the international squad. Toldo the same hes getting old and i havnt heard his name mentioned for a fair while. i think he is past his time. Valdes and Reina are both solid keepers but i dont think they are the best. Evidence that Reina isn't the best is the fact Casillas was picked over him as Spain's keeper which you could feel sorry for him because thats tough competition

Charlie Sheen First Show booed?

After 70 minutes with people stating "refund". Whats next for the imbecile with cocaine pschycosis?

How much is too much for a bridesmaid dress?

I would (and have) paid as much as $150.00 for a bridesmaids dress but that's as high as I'm prepared to go. I'm sorry, but every bride thinks she has chosen a dress that their bridesmaids will wear again that is suitable to wear for every occasion but unless they are going to some sort of 70's theme party I can't see that dress ever seeing the light of day again. Maybe if it was a plain colour instead of that pattern and those retro colours .

I need some upbeat (current) songs...beside these (we need a dance song for 2 people, well a routine song, NOW?

How about Say Aah by Trey Songz, Hey, Soul Sister by Train, Disturbia by Rihanna, Rude Boy by Rihanna, Singgle Ladies by Beyonce, Live Like We're Dying by Kris Allen. Hope you like on of these.

Is this type of behavior acceptable in the workplace?

Check with ACAS in your area - it is advisable to ring them as situations tend to be too specific to answer on the website - it's free and they offer all kinds of support.

What do the following different terms mean? viz., Bank Credit, Net Bank Credit, Food Credit, Gross Bank Credit

The above terms - one of my friends, who is a banker, used to say. But I could not get a clear meaning / explanation for the above terms. Kindly help me by giving meaning / explanation for the above terms viz., Bank Credit, Gross Bank Credit, Net Bank Credit, Food Credit, Non food credit. As I am a commerce student, I wish to know about these. Please help me. Thank you very much.

How do i get my things back?

my bestest friend just stole my DS games and i tried calling her but she wont pick up.she stole them on the last day of school so she could have them for the whole summer im so mad at her but i feel sad for her because she lives in a trailerhouse her clothes are holy and her hair is messed up all the time and she barely gets any thing special but she couldve asked to borrow them and i wouldve said yes but noooooo she gos along and takes the worse way what should i do to get our friend ship back on track?

Help, I have some serious sleeping problems.. I think?

if you only get small amounts of sleep during the week, you build up a sleep debt. That's why you sleep so deep on the weekends. My son drinks relaxing teas to help him get to sleep at a decent hour. They really work. they have them at health food stores..sometimes now in the grocery store. Look for any tea that says relax or sleepytime.

Is this poetry .?

Yes and no. it depends on what standpoint you are judging from. What norms we presuppose. From whence we come to the text. At bottom, it could be argued to be poetry in part because of the emphasis on structure and perfection.

People have a tendency to become disillusioned with me and I have a tendency to take them for granted. Help.?

Whenever I meet new people, I'm always interested in them and want them to be interested in me. I get such a rush out of it that I get off to a great first impression and people frequently find me very likeable for a period of time. However, after a while I begin to lose interest in these people, and they becomed disillusioned with me, noticing that I'm self-absorbed and abraisive. It's terrible feeling meeting new people and knowing that in a few months they'll avoid you for others and will no longer message you and a weak friendship. Slowly, I watch the other quieter friends of mine become more and more prominent beacuse of their good character. It makes me sad. What would you do if you hung around people knowing your time as good friends was limited?

How can I prove that this girl put iron out in my juice?

It happened in October wehn I was living with her and her Uncle. She told me her cousin did it in November but a month later she admitted to my sisters friend that she actually was the one who did it. What evidence do I need to incriminate her and send it to authorities? because I don't think that my sisters friend will testify against her because she's fake. But i want this girl locked up!

Church of the Celestrial Teapot?

Lord Bertrand Russell invent this tale of teapot orbit at outer planets, no one can prove it not exist, is no good reason believe it exist, same is true of all gods, hard prove they not exist, is no good reason believe they exist.

I need a new good artist? (indieish)?

I am a lil depressed at the mo, and i have been listening to a lot of Newton Faulkner, and listening to the lyrics and things, can someone please suggest some artists or artists, who plays the guitar, and has some nice meaningful lyrics, and isnt heavy rock or death metal, but nice and light, indie like, like jack johnson, paulo or newton faulkner, people like them :)?

Has Art Deco shaped the design of today?

Apart from todays furniture which i think is quite apparently influenced by the 1920-1930 style Art Deco furniture, are there any other design elements from Art Deco which linger today?

Which is better NOkia c6 or nokia 5800 ?

please tell which is better in terms of video and image quality,music experience,loudness and I don't have any preference to slide out qwerty keypad

Power of attourny question... very very important!?

I'm 18 years old and My father is in ICU at the hospital that i work at but he is incpacitated and is unable to make any decisions, and he and my mother are going throug a divorce and my family wants me to be his Power of Attourny but i dont know exactly what that is, how i become it or anything like that, I know this is what he wants also, he told me he wanted my mom out of everything and she said she would help me but she doesnt want to be his PoA and i am his only living relative over legal age. any advice would be GREAT!

Why do i get cavities so easily?

genetics. My mom and I can go weeks without brushing our teeth and still have perfect healthy teeth. (I don't suggest doing this) but some people inherit weak, soft teeth that are more prone to cavities.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can You Name This Arcade Game?

I haven't seen this game in about 17 years... on the demo screen before inserting your money, the screen showed some story about bio-humans being made in a lab... it showed a human form in a water tank, then it showed about 7 "enemy" soldiers standing in line next to each other, I remember the one on the end was a monkey or baboon of some sort... then it changed to a picture of an angry scientist with a picture of a red or blue satanic looking goat in the background... I think the object of the game was to plant bombs in a base... I can't remember the name of this game!

How can i get people to stop being afraid of me?

okay all my friends and others are afraid to get hurt by me, and they are afraid to get on my bad side. they keep asking me to beet someone up for them and be their bodyguard. they know im in 14 different martial arts and a master i six of them, and a black belt in seven more (karate im only an orange). i keep telling them im a pacifist but it don't help im only 5"2' and have a vary Innocent personality. im wondering if anyone can help im losing friends, so please answer. no one has ever seen me in a different mood then happy and i want to keep it that way, i beg for help... please :(

My Puppy Was Lost And Has Returned! Was it Prayer or Coincidence?

My pup ran off yesterday and he seemed good and gone, no trace or sign, despite much searching and advertisement. Today, a neighbor casually said, "I have your dog." This evening I learned that every family member who knew of my pup's disappearance had vowed to pray for his safe return. People who got the little makeshift poster I made also said they were praying for his return. This evening he is home. Was it prayer (God intervening), coincidence (random pingpong dog movements), chaos (some hidden mathematical symmetry), karma (for always being kind to dogs), whatever? I am glad to have my pup back, whether it be one or all of these guiding agents. What ideas do you have?

Which one of these eight myths about healthcare reform bothers you the most?

Myth 9: Health care costs for the average individual will go down as a result of Obamacare. That's the one that bothers ME the most.

Okay I answered this users question, and I was being empathetic, why would she report it?

Her question was something along the lines of "I can't choose a best answer.......:(" and I answered with a " :'( " So why would she report me for being empathetic?

Question about housing and financial aid?

No. Changing your housing option will not affect your financial aid. Feel free to save money and not worry that they'll take aid away.

What are the parts of the USMC NCO sword?

My OIC said that I should know the thirteen parts or however many there are, I have not been to Corporals course and have been an NCO for two years and have never learned the info. Can't find it online thus far, and I am hoping some motivated ******* on here know them so I can brush up on my knowledge some. Any help is appreciated!

In a 10 man battle royal who would win. IN WWE?

Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Drew Mcintyre, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Ted Dibiase jr, The MIZ, John Morrison, Wade Barret

HDFC BANK LTD.sales manager has terminated me without any notice or pay,where to complain?

Write to the next person above ur boss in the hierarchy.If u do not receive any satisfactory reply,lodge a complain with the labour commission of ur area.

Is this too aggressive on a cover letter?

Too pushy. Just say you look forward to hearing from them. If you don't hear from them in a reasonable amount of time (maybe 2 weeks), give them a call and ask about the status of that job opening.

Easy menu for Brunch Baby Shower?

Maybe a cheese platter,some small sandwiches,maybe your fruit salad with yogurt to dip or a fruit dip they have at the grocery store.a spinage dip with a bread bowl,definitly some type of punch a baby shower fav

Should I get Mario Kart Wii or Mario Super Sluggers?

Both look very fun and Mario Super Sluggers is almost out and has all these cool characters that you can unlock like baby dk, kritter, funky kong. That is all I remember right now. I can't decide!

I have terrible sour stomach please help!

I have really bad sour stomach which I get almost everytime I eat. It feels like I have an excess of acid but when I take any kind of acid reducer (alka-seltzer, tums, Pepcid AC) they don't have any effect. It makes my stomach always full and I'm never hungry. I have had this for several years now. Please give me advice on how to treat this!

Punjabi subzi recipes - help!!?

Samantha, if you want to learn more about Indian cuisine, post your question in the Ethnic Cuisine Category. If the link is still open, you could try

What do you think of my movie scene idea? POLL?

Awesome! That's so great! i wanted to be a writer when i go into college and my teacher thinks that i should start writing stories and books. That's amazing!

What's the weirdest dream you ever had? (beat mine and get 10 points)?

When I was in college, I had a dream about a girl I knew in high school but who I hadn't spoken to in about 3 years. I woke up and told my roommate about it. A few minutes later the phone rang and it was her. That was weird.

Is it cheaper to buy some land and build your own house than to buy a preexisting one?

It can be if YOU do the work. If you sub the work out, it usually is more expensive. But you get what you want.

In 2012 in a battle between the Mayans & the Incas if the Incas kick Mayan does that mean....? mive croaking in Dec 2012? I missed the supermoon bc it was cloudy & I was sicky so I kinda like the Incas to win so i live a little longer & see the next supermoon.When is the next due? I also missed the meteor showers, every year ,too bright, too cloudy! :-/

Do you agree plies sucks & is too overrated?

hes one of the worst rappers iv ever heard he mummbles all his words and has no flow and just repeats himself over and over again he just sucks overall

Fantasy Hockey Question?

I think this was a good trade. As you said your are already stacked at LW. So now you have a RW who is putting up decent point numbers. If you get points for shots in your league that will help too because Samuelsson has about 50 more shots. Neither is a big PIM guy but MS is in the lead there. So far this year MS is leading Power Play Points as well. If you needed a RW it seems like you took a step in the right direction to help your team. Demitra is likely going to get your more goals but the rest of the categories Samuelsson should win.